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About Us

The South African Institute for Blockchain Practitioners was born out of industry thought leaders and professionals who bring deep blockchain knowledge to our members.  We are committed to the responsible development and support of blockchain communities, giving our members the tools to navigate and lead the blockchain revolution.  

We are an independent think tank, dedicated to exploring and sharing knowledge about the strategic implications of blockchain on business, government and society, allowing for a prosperous ecosystem.

As a non-profit organisation we aim to bring the industry together to improve compliance and administrative exchanges supported by technology.

We aim to educate, inform and connect our members in better understanding, in order for all of society to benefit from the revolutionary and transformative technology of blockchain.
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Why we exist?

Our goal is to improve the blockchain industry and remove barriers to these advancements

Our aim to have a positive impact on wider society by encouraging and supporting the development and adoption of blockchain within South Africa. 


The current blockchain ecosystem faces regulatory minefields, while lawmakers navigate complex consumer protection and security concerns.


We’re committed to creating deep partnerships—within and between industry and government—to share knowledge, identify opportunities, and co-create a digital future that’s more transparent, inspiring, secure, and equitable.


Our view is that any regulatory response should be clear, but proportionate, taking into account the enduring imperatives of protecting consumers and maintaining financial stability; but also ensuring that innovation in this space is not stifled by over-regulation and legal complexity. 

How do we do it?

key constituencies about how blockchain technology can bring about a more secure, private, competitive and innovative digital marketplace in South Africa.
for regulatory clarity so that South Africa can drive blockchain and crypto innovation.
with industry, government and aligned groups to amplify our message and affect meaningful change.
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Our purpose

Our purpose is to:

  • Ensure we represent the interests of our members

  • Follow and make representations to applicable bodies regarding regulatory changes 

  • Organise learning initiatives with experts and among members, regarding regulatory developments and industry movements

  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and best practices

  • Promote convergence of standards and policies through cooperation to accelerate deployment for the benefit of the Institute

  • Promote transparency and inclusive governance, informing policy and regulatory development with policy-makers and regulators

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